A Passion for Helping Others

Therapy is important to Heidi because she believe it works. She has seen radical transformation in her office and in others’. She knows that the most important factor to successful therapy is the relationship between the client and therapist. If the therapist is not genuine, therapy does not serve much of a purpose. However, she started to see a trend where people were continuing to come and not always improve. As she learned how to bring her faith into therapy (for those who want it), she started to see HUGE growth and transformation. It can only come through Jesus, not us. She started a podcast in 2020 because she saw so much hurt and wrote a book in 2022. She owned a mental health practice for 16 years and felt led to sell it so God could move in a different way.

Heidi has a Marriage and Family Therapy license through the state of Minnesota. She obtained her Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota and her Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Bethel University. She is trained in an effective trauma technique called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and she is a certified Daring Way™ Facilitator. Heidi’s bachelor’s degree is in Entrepreneurship—she believes her background in business has allowed her to bring a different perspective to the counseling field. Heidi has attended 2 years at Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry (BSSM) and is ordained through Patricia King’s Women in Ministry Network (WIMN). She has also completed Love Says Go Academy (LSGA), where she learned how to pray for the sick, hear the voice of God, and be Jesus outside the church. 

Services & Products Heidi offers

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

~2 Corinthians 5:17

Finding True Purpose

There is a lot of pain in this world but it’s not useful to us. Pain is okay for a period of time, but we don’t need to set up camp in hurt and pain. Instead, we need to process, move forward, and be transformed by it. Encouragement plays a big role in accomplishing this. Having others point out the obvious doesn’t help us. But hearing someone say “I know you are struggling right now and I believe in you. You are stronger than you think. I love you!” is empowering. 

Heidi wrote the book The Brave Encourager because she has seen how much her encouragement of others has shifted their moods, days, and lives. She didn’t realize at first that she was encouraging others until she received feedback from them about how much it impacted them. She was just being herself.

When Heidi later went through a season lacking in encouragement of herself, she truly came to understand the significance of encouragement. A word of encouragement can literally save a life. If someone is depressed or suicidal, it can bring them out of that hole of despair. It can bring someone with dreams to action and make those dreams a reality. 

The Wright Brothers dreamed of and pioneered the world’s first motor-operated airplane. They could have given up hundreds of times with each failure, but they had a golden dream inside. Most importantly, they had each other to encourage and offer encouragement to the other. Throughout their repetitive process of dreaming, inventing, building, and failing, encouragement kept them going.

A few years ago, Heidi saw an image of books in her dreams. She started to believe she could write a book. When she sat down to write, an outline of The Brave Encourager quickly came out on the computer. So during the middle of winter 2020, with the help of an amazing coach, Marcie, she began turning her learnings and discoveries in the chapters of her first book. 

“Anyone who knows who God made them to be will never try to be someone else.”

– Bill Johnson